Still Haven't Felt Baby Move at 17 Weeks



07/10/2008 at 8:16 pm

howdy, i'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and already worrying i oasis't felt he/she move yet. I know its however early days, but just wondering when other mum'due south felt there first little flutters?? X


tammy l(3)

07/10/2008 at viii:18 pm

Hi, I was 19 weeks with my first then dont worry twenty



07/10/2008 at 8:xix pm

I never felt my first till 22 weeks

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07/10/2008 at 8:23 pm

Howdy Sarah!

Dont worry. It wont be long before yous will experience bubba move (and its a great feeling).

When I was pregnant with DS I felt him move the first time when I was 22 weeks. Quite tardily. But after that showtime movement information technology never seemed to stop. Such an active little baby he was!!!!

I am sure you volition feel the kickoff movement quite soon. Actually no need to worry!!!

XXX Irma

PS I plant the beginning movements felt like a twitching musculus in your belly. Like when you lot sit down on the sofa to relax and the musculus in your leg keeps twitching without you actually doing anything iyswim.

Cant look to to feel my bubba move!!!



07/10/2008 at 8:23 pm

i was about 23 weeks but everyone is unlike xx



07/10/2008 at 8:24 pm

it was a while agone now but it was about xviii-xx wks when felt my ds moving felt alot similar butterflys for ages. iused too prevarication on the bed in the quite for ages just touching my belly to come across if i could feel it move.

if concerned speak to mw.

adept luck with pregnancy

lisa ten::flowers::hiya:


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07/10/2008 at 8:33 pm

thanks for the replies! I accept had a completely symptom free pregnancy and so far (which i'm very greatful for!) so i approximate i just deceit wait for something to make it seem more real for me. Scan etc has all been fine. Only still feel like my 'normal' self! iv weeks to go till xx week browse (i'll be 21 weeks) so just desperate to experience pregnant and know everything is progressing ok. Can't wait to feel those piddling kicks! X



08/10/2008 at v:49 am

i was nearly 19 weeks hun so dont worry x:hug:



08/10/2008 at vi:26 am

I was 17 weeks, but it's hard to recognise it when you've never felt it before. Information technology starts so faint and gets stronger every day. Now i can actually feel what are hands or feet, not sure which lol! And can definately feel her bum pushing out sometimes. Mw's say 24 weeks to experience movement and if you placenta is at the front it could exist longer.

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08/10/2008 at 7:xix am

I was about 17 - 19 weeks when i first felt moved. it felt kinda like a little muscle spasm on my belly didnt realise what information technology was at showtime! Everyone is different though and like someone said the midwifes dont get concerned untill by 24 weeks but if your still worried y'all should phone call your midwife for reassurence, thats part of at that place job afterall!



08/x/2008 at 7:23 am

Hi Sarah

I call back I was about 17 weeks, but my baby has always been 'long' so I had more than of a risk.  It is hard to recognise - for me it felt a scrap like trapped air current - or rising bubbles



08/10/2008 at 10:36 am

With my get-go pregnancy, I was almost 21 weeks when I first felt movement.



08/10/2008 at v:09 pm

hello, i'k currently 17 weeks meaning and already worrying i haven't felt he/she motion all the same. I know its nevertheless early on days, but just wondering when other mum'south felt there offset footling flutters?? X

I was nineteen weeks, later that you experience boot, it volition alter again in your thirty weeks, not much kicking but a lot of motion. This is how I experienced it.

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09/10/2008 at ii:39 pm

Didn't feel mine until about 23 weeks. Everone is different so don't worry xx



09/10/2008 at 2:45 pm

thanks for the replies! I take had a completely symptom free pregnancy and then far (which i'm very greatful for!) then i approximate i just cant wait for something to brand information technology seem more real for me. Scan etc has all been fine. But still experience similar my 'normal' cocky! 4 weeks to become till xx calendar week scan (i'll be 21 weeks) so just desperate to feel significant and know everything is progressing ok. Tin can't look to feel those little kicks! X

i was exactly like yous i was symptom gratis (amazingly!), and didnt show until recently. when i felt baby move it was lovely, and like you say made information technology more than existent. i am now showng off crash-land every bit it was ages til i showed and dont recollect people believed i was pregnant! adept luck with rest of your pregnancy xx


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